Unfortunately, our website host has lost their payment processor.

Even if it is certainly not easy to continue producing demanding clips and maintaining the studio without an income, we will continue to publish videos here. But in a larger interval! We hope for your understanding and that the situation will improve as soon as possible!

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Day 14 - english 6

Protocol, day 14

During the dream sequence, Professor Berger monitors the vital functions of object 5. She experiences her dream in a black crotchless catsuit which leaves her tits and pussy exposed. With belts, strongly fixed, she is get an orgasm from a Hitachi.

As usual, all records are in the silver briefcase.

Prof. Berger

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Protokoll, Tag 14

Professor Berger überwacht während der Traumsequenz die Vitalfunktionen von Objekt 5. Ihren Traum erlebt sie in einem schwarzen ouvert Catsuit welches Ihre Titten und Pussy offenliegen lässt. Mit Gürteln, streng fixiert, wird sie mit einem Hitachi zum Orgasmus gebracht. 

Alle Aufzeichnungen befinden sich wie gewohnt im silbernen Aktenkoffer.

Prof. Berger

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