Unfortunately, our website host has lost their payment processor.

Even if it is certainly not easy to continue producing demanding clips and maintaining the studio without an income, we will continue to publish videos here. But in a larger interval! We hope for your understanding and that the situation will improve as soon as possible!

Day 13 - english 0
Day 13 - english 1
Day 13 - english 2
Day 13 - english 3
Day 13 - english 4
Day 13 - english 5
Day 13 - english 6

Day 13

Object 5 manages to escape into the nearby castle ruins. Professor Berger and Dr. Rade manages to recapture Emma in a spectacular chase. After the transfer to the laboratory, the regular process can be restored.

Tag 13 - german 0
Tag 13 - german 1
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Tag 13 - german 5
Tag 13 - german 6

Tag 13

Objekt 5 gelingt es in die nahegelegene Burgruine zu flüchten. Professor Berger und Dr. Rade gelingt es in einer spektakulären Verfolgungsjagd Emma wieder einzufangen. Nach der Überführung ins Labor kann der reguläre Ablauf wieder hergestellt werden.

Day 12 - english 0
Day 12 - english 1
Day 12 - english 2
Day 12 - english 3
Day 12 - english 4
Day 12 - english 5
Day 12 - english 6

Day 12

Object 5 has to be moved out because the craftsmen are building a new wall in the laboratory. Dr. Rade and Professor Berger take her to another room in the building. Object 5 is fixed and monitored in two shifts. But then something unexpected happens ...

Tag 12 - german 0
Tag 12 - german 1
Tag 12 - german 2
Tag 12 - german 3
Tag 12 - german 4
Tag 12 - german 5
Tag 12 - german 6

Tag 12

Objekt 5 muss ausquartiert werden, da die Handwerker eine neue Wand ins Labor bauen. Dr. Rade und Professor Berger bringen sie in ein Zwischenquartier. Objekt 5 wird ordnugsgemäß fixiert und in zwei Schichten überwacht. Doch dann passiert etwas unvorhergesehenes ...

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